Spitting up is a common, albeit messy, part of being a baby. But some little ones have a harder time keeping their early diets down than others. So, infants these days are often prescribed medications to help keep their spit-ups — and the discomfort that can come with them — at bay. But now a new study is questioning whether many of the babies taking these drugs really need them.
Although almost all of the 44 babies tested were on antireflux medications (42, in fact), only 8% of them could be considered to have GERD. And when the babies who didn't appear to have the condition after all were taken off the medications, the reflux symptoms in most of the babies improved or didn't get any worse.
So, why the large number of babies getting antireflux medications? The researchers say the high number of prescriptions could be because:
- Primary care doctors don't have a simple way to distinguish simple reflux from GERD, so they may prescribe the medication to see if it helps.
- Parents may become anxious and worried about their baby's ongoing problems and request a prescription. (The researchers note, though, that parents' reports of vomiting and spitting up are often highly exaggerated — often as much as five to six times more than the amount the baby is actually throwing up.)